PACTrust Seller Benefits
10 Benefits for the Seller
Compared with virtually any other “non-traditional” financing program, the PACTrust affords a seller maximum protection and safety, along with:
- A legitimate “take over” of the current loan’s payments, without loan assumption or violation of the lender’s alienation protection and “due-on-sale” provisions
- A better ‘selling price’ (in view of the benefits derived by the offeror, a PACTrust Mutually Agreed Value (“MAV”) is typically higher than a standard “purchase offer”)
- A faster sale and shorter escrow
- Avoidance of the IRS” imposition of tax on debt-relief (with reference to an over-encumbered property) when foreclosure or “short-sale” are considered options. The PACTrust seller needn’t destroy his/her credit and walk away with nothing to show for all those years of expense and hard work
- Freedom from no longer affordable or practical loan payments, insurance costs, and maintenance – in that all such costs are [generally] paid by the resident beneficiary
- Enhanced income and profit potential compared with what renting or leasing could provide (i.e., by elimination of one’s negative cash flow, management costs, maintenance and vacancy risk; a PACTrust often increases gross rental income by 150 percent… or could even double it in many cases)
- Protection from possible injurious actions of the “other party,” (e.g., a resident’s non-payment; disrepair, disregard or damage to the property). In comparison with any other seller-assisted financing arrangement, a PACTrust shields the property from an errant resident’s tax-liens, law suits, bankruptcies, judgement-leins or marital disputes
- Ease of collection of the resident’s payments; disbursements to creditors; late notices; and any necessary admonitions, evictions or legal processes, because these functions need not ever be handled by the seller
- Ease of eviction and avoidance of the anguish and expense of judicial foreclosure, ejectment and quiet-title actions to regain possession following a buyer’s default. A prominent advantage of the PACTrust over other types of seller-assisted financing is that it allows for a standard eviction and Unlawful Detainer process rather than foreclosure
- Participation in the profit potential upon a future sale, while someone else pays the bills. A PACTrust seller could opt to retain, along with any beginning equity, a percentage of the property’s future profit potential. The justification for such participation might simply be one’s having obtained the original loan, having made the original down payment; and/or remaining at risk [re: the continuing mortgage responsibility] on behalf of the buyer.
Licensed Real Estate Broker with the Calif. Dept. of Real Estate